
Learning Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Geography - Hands on Investigations in Real World Settings

One of the first things I always explain to students when they come into my geography class is why they are learning this subject. I tell them that Geography is all about learning about the world aro…

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Learning Sunday, 19 May 2024

Why Do We Teach Religion?

An important part of going to school is exploring options for making a living. In this context, students may ask: Where can Religion take me? Together with English and Mathematics, Religion is taught…

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Learning Tuesday, 14 May 2024

A Fiesta of Writing and Reading - ATC's Literary Festival 2024

The month of May is earmarked for ATC's annual week-long literary festival, a dynamic celebration of words and creativity spanning all year levels. It kicked off with featured playwright David Burton…

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Learning Thursday, 21 Mar 2024

Reading for the Love of It!

Library News We certainly stand by Dr Seuss's philosophy at ATC. Already this year, we have added almost 400 new books to our print collection! There really is something for every boy in our librari…

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Learning Tuesday, 19 Mar 2024

A Positive Mind + Good Study Habits = Personal Best

As we head to the end of a busy Term One our staff are working towards finalising assessment and exam marks and will complete an Interim Report, based on application to learning. This year the Colleg…

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Learning Tuesday, 12 Mar 2024

Data - One Part of Achieving Your Personal Best

As the NAPLAN test period begins, it is crucial to understand the purpose. The NAPLAN tests serve as a benchmark for students' academic performance around Australia and help identify areas where addi…

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Learning Tuesday, 13 Feb 2024

Doing the Hard Work

Learning doesn't stop at ATC just because the bell rings. Across various afternoons each week, students can access our Homework Club which is run out of our iCentre facilities with teaching staff off…

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Learning Thursday, 25 Jan 2024

Learning the Ropes

As a new staff member to ATC I have slowly been putting the layers together since first landing on campus on the 8th of January. From the friendly faces of our school officers and the communications …

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Learning Monday, 18 Dec 2023

A Story of a College Dux

After being named the 2023 Ambrose Treacy College Dux, Matthew Collins took a moment to reflect on his academic journey and shared insight into how he has achieved his academic goals and the career h…

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