Ambrose Treacy College has a respectful culture of Pastoral Care for its students which is tied with the sense of family which is tantamount to ATC. Our community develops strong relationships with students, priding ourselves on forming care and consideration in which every person is welcomed and valued.

As a Catholic College in the Edmund Rice Tradition, our Pastoral Care structures are consistent with the spirit and ethos of our faith. We invite all students into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice, and peace a living reality.

At Ambrose Treacy College there is a commitment to a holistic approach to the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of all. This applies to young people, parents, and staff. We invite all young people, their families and staff share in the life-giving quality that comes from deep connection and a true sense of belonging to a Catholic community that seeks to live the values of justice, compassion, peace, joy, and love.

Pastoral Care is therefore integral to the College and it is scaffolded into the life and operation of the College. There are several key pastoral roles in place to support, guide and care for young people and to enable strong collaboration between parents and staff.

  • Each young person connected with a Home Room Teacher who develops an active and robust connection with that young person.
  • Each year level has a Year Level Coordinator or Head of Year who works in collaboration with Home Room Teachers and other staff to support the pastoral engagement with all young people. They are also an important link with parents to facilitate the partnership between home and college.
  • The Head of Junior School has a Pastoral Leadership in that part of the College.
  • The Dean and Assistant Dean of Formation have an overall leadership role across the College in terms of Pastoral Care.
  • The College also has three Counsellors who are there to provide further and specific support to young people, parents and staff.

The College Pastoral Care system is also strongly supported by

• The Formation Framework – Forming Men of Courage
• The Outdoor Education Program
• The College Curriculum
• The Service Program
• The Co-Curricular Programs encompassing sport, clubs and activities and culture.