Have Courage

Our Courage To Care Program leads students to becoming upstanders and addressing prejudice and discrimination. In a world where fear-driven prejudice and discrimination continue to cast a shadow over society, the volunteers that support Courage To Care have emerged as a beacon of hope and education for our young men. From racial biases to gender and religious stereotypes, these issues continue to divide communities and perpetuate inequality.

“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.”

— Maya Angelou

Courage to Care offers a platform to confront these issues head on, fostering an environment where understanding, compassion and upstanding behaviour can flourish. By equipping participants with the knowledge and tools to combat prejudice, we aim to create a future defined by unity and respect. As the need to foster empathy and understanding becomes more pressing than ever, Courage to Care stands at the forefront of the battle against ignorance and intolerance.

We were fortunate enough to host an incursion this week, where Holocaust survivors shared their stories in a series of presentations, group discussions and small group workshops. Educators and survivor, Peter, and Storyteller, Rochy, were very pleased to be able to share their testimony with the students. Students offered thoughtful responses during the workshops showed an understanding of the messages the Holocaust Survivors and Storytellers conveyed through their testimony.

These learning experiences will no doubt raise some questions and we encourage you to take up the opportunity to discuss these with your son and visit the Courage to Care website for more insight.

Alicia Madigan

Religious Education Coordinator